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What's coming up?

Clubs and Co-Working Sessions are available to people that would like more time and space for creativity in a friendly and supportive environment.  These opportunities have been put together by our collective members and studio holders as part of our shared commitment to making art and creativity as readily available and accessible to our local community as possible.  These opportunities are not funded and therefore will remain ongoing. 


Clubs are a great way to meet new people and work on your own ideas alongside others with similar interests in a supported and sociable environment, co-working sessions simply provide access to space and some basic resources for you to work independently. â€‹Whilst you can see what's coming up below, you will need to create an account on our site in order to make a booking.  There's options for PAYG, or to subscribe (if you think you might be a regular user this could save you some pennies)!

Book Now:

Company number: 09672869

All rights reserved.

Website photography:

Ginny Koppenhol

Nick Hellier

Olly Shutterbug

Sarah Hewitt

Robin Zahler

Beki Melrose


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