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Throw your 10 cents in the pot!

Beki Melrose

As part of our development we really need to be making wise and informed choices as we grow The Exchange Creative Community. What should we do when looking for clarity? Turn to the people! So we set up a questionnaire on type form especially for you. It’ll take about 10 minutes to complete but that 10 minutes will live on, we assure you. With gratitude. You thoughts matter a great deal to us!

Since setting up The Exchange Creative Community we have gone out of our way to make getting creative really accessible for lots of people, we showcase local art work and shout about the fabulously talented and kind hearted people, we serve teas and coffee, and support a range of events. We do these, because thats what people wanted. The Exchange is firmly driven by the community, for the community.

In our next step we’re looking to open a community art studio and creative enterprise hub, that will likely be called ‘ West St. Studio’. This needs to benefit a lot of people and have enough interest to last. We also hope it’ll house some really useful equipment that will serve many people and create a new story and hive of activity for the area.

As we grow, with you in mind, we’ve love to hear your 10 cents worth! We’ll be sure to let you know where the dice lands in due course. Remember, you’re not just sharing your opinion. You’re giving us the evidence we need to make this project as good as it can be.


Company number: 09672869

All rights reserved.

Website photography:

Ginny Koppenhol

Nick Hellier

Olly Shutterbug

Sarah Hewitt

Robin Zahler

Beki Melrose

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