Kirsty Stuart-Clarke is the face behind Bipolaroid Morecambe; her photography brand. “I am a photographer based in The West End of Morecambe, I have had the privilege of being the official photographer at a number of local events, recently West End Weekend and the 'Division Reviewed Records' launch.”
"50 Faces of employment is my first exhibition. I put a call out for the general public to take part and sit to have their portrait taken, each time, I’ve asked people to tell me about what it is that they do for a living. It was an incredible process, people become so much more animated in their expressions as they get into talking about their work. In the end I opted to use a remote shutter so that people didn’t know when I was taking the picture, this helped to make sure people were more relaxed and enable me to capture a sense of their raw emotion."
Kirsty has been developing her business as a photographer actively over the last 12 months but has been interested in photography since she was a young child. Always interested in taking pictures and what could be done with a camera but in those times could not afford to buy one, never the less, she never let go of this dream. Upon turning 40 Kirsty finally managed to treat herself to a Canon EOS1000 for her birthday.
Kirsty expressed "I was super excited, really super excited. The problem then became the fact that I was really self conscious about taking it out in public as I had no self confidence and was new to it all. Especially with photography. I was always overly conscious that people’s eyes were on me. Now this makes me laugh, it seems funny almost. Now, looking back, I’m so aware I had no reason to worry at all. Just capturing an amazing moment that other people might miss is the best thing, having my camera with me makes me look at everything differently now. It makes me pay attention to things others don’t see, things that I wouldn’t have seen either at one time. It’s like having a new set of eyes.”
“If i could give my old self some advice, I’d say to have a go and not worry about what anyone else is doing. Going to local groups might be useful but online people often like to criticise for no reason so be wary of this, ignore it and don’t take it it to heart. Believe in yourself and what you do. You don’t have to follow anyone else's rules. But most importantly, enjoy yourself and do what you love.”
"I’m often seen on the promenade laying in sand taking pictures with my playmobil friends. Making sandcastles and staging different scenario’s I’ve imagined in my mind. I love doing this, it’s like a documentary shoot, almost merging photography with animation in a storyboard style progression. I really enjoy setting up these little stories.
When I’m out doing this people often come and ask what I’m upto. Sometime they even stay and watch, just sitting and taking it in. Now, I love that and think it’s great that people take an interest and enjoy what I’m doing. To me it’s important to have fun with what you do, and often, these are the shots that people love the most!
If you’d like to come and see for yourself, the 50 faces exhibition is being hosted by Morecambe Artists Colony at More Music. Doors will be open at 6pm on the 28th October. I’d love to see you there."
Bipolaroid Morecambe - First Solo Show
50 Faces of Employment
@ More Music
28th October at 6pm.
Admission is FREE.