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Strengthening our Core:

Jo Bambrough

Over the last few years we have run and been involved in a diverse range of projects. We've made some fantastic connections across the West End, the district as well as nationally at events we've been part of. This has provided us with strong sense of what we want to see more of, and of course, what we'd probably prefer not to see again.

After a time of reflection like many at this time of year, we've hunkered down and started to look ahead. Specifically exploring what value we want to add, and how best we can do this together. Don't worry, we wont make you do any planking or crunches.

Inevitably, we've realised that we have to invest in our 'core' - being a community with a shared vision. As such, we've popped in some initial dates to the collective calendar, simply to share good food and great company! Each meal will begin with a few updates and some 'food for thought'. Starting in March, with the idea of launching a DIY 'community ownership fund' - to pool our resources and invest in collectively owned property in Morecambe'. This will not be a formal session - but it will certainly give us a conversation starter throughout the evening.

We'll be hosting community meals, for our members and friends on a bi-monthly basis throughout the year. Sharing the load, a meal and spending time is vital to everything we do. So please consider yourself very much invited. In time, we hope that we can make these meals more regular and perhaps invite some interesting guests - but for now - lets just get started.

The meals, for members and friends of the GTC will be held at Stanley Road Baptist Church from 5:30 - 8pm of the following dates;

Wed 8th Mar

Wed 10th May

Wed 5th July

Wed 6th Sept

Wed 8th Nov

Good things Collective also provide a community studio in Morecambe Arndale Centre, offering a selection of affordable private studio spaces, and a range of co-working options to support homegrown creativity. We'll be launching a new bi-monthly studio forum this year to work on collectively growing and improving this space. We'll also use the time together to develop our own work and projects with our peers, and perhaps some collective ones too.

For collective & studio members these will take place from 12:30 - 2:30 on the following dates;

Wed 8th Feb

Wed 5th April

Wed 7th June

Wed 9th Aug

Wed 11th Oct

*Do feel free to bring your packed lunch, brews and biscuits will be provided.

**If you'd like to know more about joining the studio then do drop us a message or email



Company number: 09672869

All rights reserved.

Website photography:

Ginny Koppenhol

Nick Hellier

Olly Shutterbug

Sarah Hewitt

Robin Zahler

Beki Melrose

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