Friday 12th August - Thursday 15th September
At the age of 50, having been told she couldn’t draw, Trish instead decided to paint. Although she didn’t study art at school, her passion for the subject remained ever present with the result that later on she enrolled on an art education course. Subsequently, while living in Surrey, she exhibited with friends and colleagues. It was soon apparent that her interest lay in the abstract – and developing this format led her on an exciting journey – a journey which continues to this day. Favourite arstists include Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee and Louise Fletcher (https://www.louisefletcherart.com/).
Trish was born in South Africa, moved to Britain in 1989 and eventually made the jump to Morecambe in 2018, drawn here both by the sea and the people. Following research into what was on offer in the local community, she and her husband, Dale, sought out The Exchange Creative Community (now Good Things Collective). Together they became regular attendees at the Exchange’s Slow Friday evenings – where wonderful food, music and conversation were in liberal supply. Once the Exchange moved to a studio in the Arndale Centre, Trish took the opportunity to rent a space there in order to spend more time on her art.
Her very first artwork was a ship – sketched in charcoal. The challenge, she remembers, was how to depict it in an abstract fashion and visualise it in a fresh and illuminating way. Her abstractions are often guided by her interests in astrology and spirituality and her interest and training in anatomy and healing. The convolutions of the brain, for instance, are ideally and beautifully suited for abstract interpretation. Her fascination with astrology and spirituality can readily be seen in the circles and spirals which feature in much of her work – the moon – the spiral of life. She keeps to no particular palette or brushstroke – preferring to experiment with colours and marks. To put it simply she enjoys painting with anything on anything. She has used acrylic paints, ink, bleach, – even polyfilla.
Prices for each painting are printed on the labels – a payment system can be arranged in consultation with Trish.
You can continue to follow Trish’s artistic journey on her facebook page: Trish Spence Art